My Rant about working for Uber!!!!


Hey friends! How as your day been? It's been raining on and off all day. I don't know if it is cancel your Uber ride while the Uber driver is on the way day!!!!!!!!!!!! It was really frustrating. I just got home. My feet, back and ankle hurt. Well the next day I woke up and I went to church. After church i stayed home for a little while. I was determined to save up for my camera. I was on the road. I was half way there. Something told me to go online. I went online. Nothing. It stated that I wasn't activated. I know Uber is a very bad place to work. I really needed a job so I didn't care. I didn't listen. I was very upset. At first I thought it was a glitch. They are known for the unfair rating system.
For a while I did struggle to get up or pass the minimum rating which is 4.3. I have a 4.22. I went online today and saw that I was a 4.39. I just want to curse so bad. They didn't give me a chance.I'm also confused, because they have 4.22 on top and 4.39 on the bottom of the page where all the trips are.I am wonder if they took points from me so I can get fired.  I went home and pouted for a while. I wanted to cry. All kinds of thoughts filled my head. How am I going to pay for school? I already have a hard time getting a job. My life!!!! It was a laid back fun job. You get to meet new people all the time. They didn't give me a warning what so ever! I would have been better off. I looked online to see if I was the only one going through this crap! No I am not. Many people are confused what  the minimum rating is. Some say 4.6, or 4.8. That is unfair. Nobody is that perfect. Some people don't know where are they going or they put the location in the GPS. I know the city but the people make it so hard for me. They want me to take short cuts. My mom always tell me to take the main road. Just in case I get lost. So I went on YouTube and looked up Uber rating system and I came to this page.

My Situation Now:

Watch the video please. It will make things a whole lot clearer. I got a email saying i need to enroll in a course. I 'm thinking no biggie. Its online. I will be driving in not time! I was wrong. It said to schedule a appointment. I'm like ok?? We should do it anytime. We have to pay $60 to do the course. I live in Florida by the way. The main headquarters is in Chicago. They want me to fly all  the way to Chicago to take a hour course. That's is ridiculous!!! So I have to pay for a round ticket. 250 dollars at least. Hotel is 100 bucks. Then a ride there which is 20-30 bucks. That is too much. As of now I tried to call the place to tell them that I live in Florida. There is no representative that I can call. I had to leave a voicemail. They will get back to me in Three days. That is a long time out of work. I saving go to go to class. If I cant work I can t go to class!!!!!!  I was also saving for a camera to make better videos for you guys! They don't understand. They act like we are rich and just hop on a plane to get one-on-one teaching. They said I wasn't providing quality service. My riders love me. I get tips all the time. I don't Understand why is this happening to me. It seems nobody won't speak up. I tried looking for other alternatives besides Uber but nothing. Tallahassee is not the most popular place at all. Guys do not sign up with Uber!!! That's all I am trying to say. We were not properly trained. The riders were not properly educated about the rating system. If I get all this situated, I am going to tell all my riders about this rating system. It seems that they are trying to hide it from all the riders. If you rate some one a 4 it means  you are saying to them " You Suck" It's the truth. I don't know why they fired me. I was right on point with the minimum 4.3. I was actually above. If you are a Uber riders be aware of what we have we have to  go through on a daily basis. If you were wondering I did the first two sentences two days ago. 


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