Advice: Life


I can always say to live life to the fullest but life's motto is to throw curve balls. My Life has plenty of them. I have one purpose in life is to serve God, have goals and achieve them. My first goal is to stay healthy. The first curve ball was my tumor. After the tumor I wanted to stay healthy. Eat the right things and exercise regularly. Well that didn't happen. Well, I do have a healthy eating habit. I snack on chips every now and then. I can't run because I have weak ankles. Whenever I start to run my ankles fail and I trip or fall. So I try different methods of exercising. I always wanted to normal. What normal girls went through. All in all, What I am trying to say is to stay positive and be headstrong. It's really hard to say something and do it. It has to hit your soul and live with you for the rest of your life. You and I can get through anything.
 If life is not perfect then we are not perfect. Don't ever give up. I have been struggling to graduate. I never gave up. My family gave up on me. My advisers gave up on me. People looked at me like I'm dumb. They would ask me " This is your third year in college?!" I may fail but I will stay positive and get back up until I get it right. I always have a smile on my face when I am going through trials in my life. Everything has a purposed and nothing is in vain. This is a little bit of advice. I will have more. I hope you enjoyed read my blog and I hope It encouraged you a little. I hope you have a good rest of the week.

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