Happy Hump-Day! My Friends!


It's Hump Day! I love making my days of the week fun! I'm sorry If I haven't been blogging everyday like I should. It's really hard to do this and school.I'm feeling so tired  and weak. (mentally) Iv'e gotten sick yesterday. The supplements called Equitance. I got the sample two weeks ago. I finally decided to take it as a morning regimen.  The instruction says to take 6 tablets daily. I had a bad feeling that it was too much. i went ahead and took the prescribed amount.I took it two days ago, the day I took it I was fine. I did notice that my urine was a very bright neon yellow color. I know TMI!The next morning i got a headache above the eye. Having a headache and trying to sleep is a bad combination. I woke up around 5 am. I usually get up for school around 8 am. I could not go back to sleep. My stomach was feeling a bit odd. It felt like I was about to throw up. I took some Advil. My gag reflex kicked in. Somehow it went in. Second one went in. After about 10 minutes. I threw up.
I hate the feeling of acid going up your throat. I brushed my teeth and went back to be. I still have the headache. It goes away wen I take a shower to go to school. As of now i am drinking a lot of water o get it out of my system. It's slowly working day after day. I know this was too much information but i have to tell my experience.I started a new job called Uber. It's just a part-time job that is very flexible. This is a kinda sorta a taxi company. Basically you have to go pick people up. I do this on a daily basis. I drive my friends to there destination and get paid gas money. If you have Uber or Lyft in your area go ahead and sign up and make money. Contact me so you can get started. I will Email you the information and the website to sign up and the code. You can also invite people and get paid a hundred dollars if they sign up. That's cool. It's really hard to find work that has flexible hours. I'm just doing it to have extra money on the side. My friend offer to put a bug in the supervisor's ear about me. I am supposed to do a interview soon. It's a after school job that is part-time. I try to keep thing organized with my agenda. It;s working so far. I have a new sample haul coming up. Its going to awesome and cute. I'm trying to upgrade from a phone to a camera. A soon as I get paid i will have a new camera. It looks like this! LINK!

It's a Samsung Smart Camera WB1100F. It comes in black and red. That's what im working towards. I hope you have a good day today. 

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