My Backstory . YAY!


Hey guys! It's finally Friday. It is very hot. It's around 100 degrees out today. I started to sweat a lot. I usually don't sweat at all when it's hot. I'm usually flip flop about being cold or hot. I wasn't really worried about that today because I was on my focus medicine. It's called Dexmethylphenidate. Why am I on it? In 2006 I had a tumor in my brain. In the middle of my forehead. I was around 14 or 15 when all this happened. After I had the surgery, I stayed in the hospital for two weeks. Years later I traveled back and forth from Tallahassee to Gainesville for doctors appointments. They told me that I have to have special help to have children and I have to take birth control to get a period. There was another stuff  but I don't want to get too much into details. The last one was that i wasn't able to concentrate. I thought I was smart enough that I didn't need it. I was a straight "A" Student before the tumor. Except the dreaded FCAT testing.
Years went on I took it occasionally. I didn't notice a difference of my attention span before and after. Grade after grade I started to ween myself off of it. I knew I didn't need it. My doctor knew i didn't need it.  I finally stopped taking it. The affect was a little different, I was focus enough, here and there I would look out the window and stare for a while. Once I got to college, it has gotten worse. My grades started to drop. I when to my new doctor which is a thyroid  specialist. She couldn't prescribe me the 9 year old medicine. I went to my regular doctor and she prescribed me to the recent one I have above. It's really hard to say to the Lady at CVS. It took me a while to get it by the way about a couple months. I finally got the medicine. I took it for  a week. The second week I wanted to get some starbursts for a mid-day snack. I ate about half the package. I didn't feel any different for thirty minutes. As soon as I went into class, I felt my heart racing , my thoughts scattered all over the place. I was in beast mode when i study or homework. My muscles tensed and my eyes stayed on the target. It was either the board or the teacher. I did not understand what was going on. It was like I was super woman answering all the questions right. I felt like I was on a all powerful drug that make you smarter. This only happens when I consume any type of sugary food or drinks. Today I felt the same when i didn't notice I drunk Pink Lemonade. It doesn't work with natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables. I was in my Statistics class when it kicked in. I makes me feel so motivated and I see the material more  clearly. When people tell me that Statistics was really hard; I tell them it was super easy. The medicine lasted about 4-5 hours. I kicked in twenty minutes. I think it really helps. At the same time it don't like how it feels when I mistakenly consume sugar. I'm not excited, it just seems that way, when you read my blog. I just wanted to tell my story, I guess. I love for people to get to know me. It's stuff that happens to me on daily basis. It's my life! I have to do my homework and chill. Today was so hot I want to just jump in a pool. I hope you guys have a blessed weekend! T.G.I.F!

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