Change is Coming!


Hey my friends! T.G.I.F! I have new subscribers on my You-Tube channel and I will give them a shout-out to their channel on my next video. I love having new friends on you tube. If you have a blog, go ahead and subscribe by email to my lovely blog and I will add you to my blog friends section on my blog. I will give a shout-out on my next blog. I will greatly appreciate it. Comment below, I love to hear your experiences from other places. Time to relax and enjoys the sun. I'm ready for the weekend. I just got home from class. Finished my homework and chores and now i'm just relaxing. ( Also blogging ) Right now its going on 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer time it gets very hot in Florida. I'm glad i'm inside right now. I feel bad about construction workers. They are outside the most of the day.  Today was kinda normal and easy. I try to keep my days kinda productive, for example, I have a lot of stuff to do with my blog. I'm still getting the kinks out. I am still having trouble with the sub pages. I have a custom template. It's really hard to get things done. It's a lot of things to adjust. As you know I have changed my template about 4 times.
I am sorry for that but this my last time. I wanted something cute, simple and have color. It's coming along. I'm doing new videos, i'm giving advice and talking about fashion and food. I love all that stuff. I just don't like having to talk about one main subject. They advise us  to stick to one main thing for You-Tube because it confuses the audience. I can't make video on one thing. I understand if i'ts totally unrelated. I recently separated my Sim 4 videos and my regular videos to a different channel. I'll give you the link below. It's called cutesimmerk. I know! I couldn't come up with a good name.  I just posted my new sample haul. As soon as I work out the kinks. You can see it in the Beauty section and drop down to sample hauls. I also found the cutest website where you can made signatures for your email or just to end a blog post. There are many uses  for this.  Those are the only two I could think of. You can choose a font and make a small message and download it. Very simple and quick. I'll send you the link below as well.  I chose the Disney font and since it was Disney, I chose the Tinkerbell GIF. I hope you have a great and relaxing weekend!


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