I Hate Math


Hello my friends. How are you today? It's nice and sunny out today. I had to take two tests today. One in statistics and in college algebra. I know I am not dumb but sometimes I don't get it right way. It takes a few times to get a question. My teacher is very fast at teaching. The homework is on completely different stuff. I try not to complain. I think I bombed the test. I know about 25% out of at least 90% of the stuff.  I wish she would take the time to go over it a couple times instead of one. I'm looking for a  tutor at the moment. They are expensive. I need at least two hours  for  two days out of the week. I found one that I really liked. She is very nice. She charges 40 dollars an hour. That's like more than 100 dollars every week. I'm trying my hardest to stay positive and strong when there are thing bringing me down. Statistics , I'm doing fine. I cant's focus on two classes though. I mentally pick one and try my best effort and energy.
Then I forget the other class. I know it weird but it's the truth. I probably need to study harder. I do my homework everyday. I get all A's; but when it comes to tests I get nervous and forget everything.I thought I was doing the right thing and study everyday. I looked at the positive side and I'm still  little depressed. I hate being depressed because I'm a happy kind of person no matter what happens. Well it was only one test. I have three more in each class and then the finals. Like my mom says, " You really got to buckle down!" I though I was. I hardly blog everyday but I try. That's why I have shorter blogs or less blogs. I know I'll get through somehow. I just need some motivation and energy. If  I had everything in order, for example, bills, money, or having a life. That is what make me happy is my family and friends. My friends have they're life and they hardly talk or hand out. My family is far away at the moment. There are plenty of stuff to worry about and it affects my grades. I hope you enjoy your day! I'm about to take a nap.


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