Wednesday is the Beginning


Hey guys its Tuesday  and it's all rainy and sad kind of day. It rained all day and all last week and this week. Its's so hot and humid out. Hey! It's Florida  after all. Tomorrow I start my class. I'm taking MAC 1105 & STAT . Ugh!! I need some motivation. Today is the last day of freedom. So I'm  just doing what I want to do. Well sorta. I just chilled and cooked some fried chicken for lunch. I also filmed my free sample haul.  The video is coming soon. Above are the samples that I have. This month has been the slowest of months. I usually get more than this. I would have gotten my pinchme box but I missed it this month. Its a little lacking. I wanted to post some stuff up on my channel before I go to school or at least finish editing. I won't have a life for at least two month. It seems like a very long time. I will graduate!! Comment below and share your stories of college or high school.  I will post it on here and on YouTube. Click Here you go to my channel.
I like to do hauls, beauty demos and my cooking show. Below I have one of my first cooking shows. I'm trying my best to blog every single day.  I missed a couple of days. I have been very busy.  I have been going through a lot lately. Everyone around me is moving away from me. It's a very crucial time for me.  Currently my ex-boyfriend is moving to Tampa. We started to get back together. He has a dead end job and no extra money coming in. I  am very sad to see him go but I need to focus on my self. I want a career and get married and have a great life. At this moment I am looking for a place of my own. I'm packing, cleaning and selling my stuff. Yes. Its a lot of stuff going on. I have to go to bed early. Ugh. I'm used to going to be around 12 or 1 am. It's only 9 pm where I am. (Florida) I'm going to be dragging my feet tomorrow going to class because I don't want to go. this is my last day of freedom and I want to rewind the whole day. I hope you all enjoy your day.  OXOXO Kira

P.s The uploading of the video took took long I will give you the link instead. lol
Click Here

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