My Problem Solver


Hey guys welcome back to my blog or if you have not been here before. Welcome! Like I said I am currently transferring and editing my blog. It's slowly coming alive and looking like I wanted  it to . I wanted to make my blog cute  and simple. I'm a minimal kind of person. It's Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday, Friday, going out on Friday! Sorry  I am blogging late. Today i had to rake the yard. I'm tired but I still going to blog. I love blogging and talking to myself. haha!.. Don't be afraid to comment and contact me if you want to talk or ask me questions. I love making more friends.
So my day starts like any other. Doing nothing  until something pops up and I need to do it immediately. I need to be more organized. I am looking for a organizer.  I am moving to another place  and I originally had a board where it had pictures on one side and a white board on the other. It's where I would do a To-Do list  and birthdays. I would put temporary stickers and magnets where I would put coupons. ( I love my coupons)  I lost it while I'm moving.The video below it the one I want it's called 

Erin Condren 2015 - 2016 Life Planner.

Click Here to look at the video. I love watching her vlogs. Her You-tube username is called "AprilJustinTV" I did not know these exist in a cute way. I tried looking at office depot for a lovely organizer. The reason why I need one is that i forget everything. I don't know why. I'm 23 years old and i at the prime of my life why should i forget things. As my family and life changes, event pops up;so does birthdays. My family is a big family and its hard to keep up with everything. I didn't want any ordinary organizer; I wanted something cute with stickers and other trinkets.
 So I am going to order this and  my life is going to be easier. I cannot wait to be organized and have everything n order. Yes this was my random and cute thoughts. XOXO Kira

Throw-Back Thursday:

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