

Hello Everyone! Welcome! This is my  new Blog spot. I previously had a a blog. I am currently transferring all my viewers here. so at this moment I am currently editing my blog. Click Here to access my old website. If you can tell I haven't been on it for a little while. Its all the same stuff but a different name. 
Its really hard to stay in one category. I love to cook, I love to talk about fashion and current events and other things. Its so conflicting.  Someone comment if you ever have this problem. I heard if you have multiple topics it deterred the viewers.
About Me:
My name is Kira for short of Shaquira. Many people do not know how to say my name currently. (Sha-kier-ra) MY LIFE! I'm used to it. You wont believe have pronunciation there are for my name. Well, i was born in Florida. I am currently a college student. I about to graduate this semester. I am majoring in business administration. I want to own a boutique later after i take a long freaking break. I'm shy, and outgoing at the same time. How can that be! Yes it true. I like all things cute, shiny and colorful. My favorite color is lilac and purple. 


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