It's always easy on the first day!


Hi guys welcome back. If You are a new viewer. Welcome to my blog! Bare with me I recently changed my look of my blog. I had a problem seeing my comments.  I had to change the layout and the template. I  am not a tech savvy kind of girl. I'm slowly getting the hang of this tech stuff. Especially the HTML crap. I'm not used to all of this. I wanted something that I could customized to make something cute and unique. So probably every time you look at my blog it's going to be something new until I find what I want. I wanted to go with Tumblr but at the last minute I changed my mind. I was doing my research. I was looking for a few things:

  1. Easiness { Drop and drag method}
  2. You get to follow different blogs. I don't know how to do it on here. 
  3. Customization { I wanted to embed a little}
  4. Good template but I'm still trying to find a good template outside of blogger. 
That's about it I was more concerned about 1,2 &3. I like to post a lot of picture and videos. I'm a social media kind of person. 
                                                 Second Day:
WOW! Its been pretty amazing day. I am so surprised it didn't rain today. It's so beautiful out. One more day of class until the weekend. I love my STAT teacher. He make every so interesting and easy. He breaks everything down. I took this class before and failed it. The other teacher i had was very harsh and got to  the point like the first day we were doing equations and we had to master the TI- 84 calculator. I'm going from a simple calculator to a TI-84 plus calculator. It's a course in itself. I  am slowly learning. It was a weird day though. In class today it was a police officer in our class. All dressed up in his uniform and his belt had all his stuff. Excessively he would try to turn down his walkie-talkie. He was in the desk like he would get on call and he would just run out the door in a hurry. I could not keep my eyes off him. As I kept staring there was a gun still hanging on his belt. I was trying to focus on the lesson but  I was terrified and curious at the same time. I bet he was hot. It was 102 degrees out and he was wearing long  black pants. That's Florida for you. I slowly brushed it off when I suddenly heard the word "TEST" from the teacher's mouth. Basically that was the highlight of my day. The second class was boring but I was focus anyways. If I wasn't on my concentration medicine I'll be over the place. My second teacher always comes in late and she always forgets something and has to go back to her office. She writes so fast on the chalk board that I can hardly read her handwriting. Especially with math you have to go really slow. In MAC there are about 15 steps to one equation. *sigh* I have big handwriting and I know I can't write that fast. I just gave up. everyone in the class was very confused. If I caught up with her I would have caught a very painful cramp. I cant wait for the weekend so I can rest. I hope you have a good " Throwback Thursday!"

                                                      XOXO Kira

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