Happy Monday!


Hey Guys I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was very relaxing. Yes It's Late. I finished my homework around this time.  I usually blog at 1 PM. Sorry homework comes first. I had  lot of problems, so  was chilling out to this song majority of the time. Go check these people out! I love this song called "Forever" from Hex Cougar.  I was so tired today that I started to fall asleep in my math class . When I usually take my meds I am usually alert and awake. I was rushing out the door because i woke up later than usual. No worries, I made it on time. I was hitting 50 mile per hour straight from one edge of town to the other. I got very lucky I wasn't pulled over by the police. It was two cops on a motorcycle following. The were talking to each other rand laughing while I'm trying to be conscious of my speeding in certain areas. * Writer's Block at this moment* This whole time I was thing about those cupcakes down by appalachee.
The  just opened. They had a promotion this weekend. Every cupcake was two dollars each. It's a very small shop. I's so small that people can't find the sign or where to find it. Inside it's all pearly white, pink & Purple. It has diamonds and pearls. It passes my cute test. YAY! In the picture ^ above^  is me and friend going to the shop. We are girls and we love taking hat mess selfies. I try not to wear makeup as often. There are days I go without it. If I sleep with makeup on, my face would look like that. I admit it I do it sometimes. I didn't have time to put on makeup because I really wanted those cupcakes really badly. I had extra change in my pocket that was catching fire. Have you heard of the phrase " The money is burning a hole in your pocket" I have a that exact problem. As soon as I get paid I would want to spend it on dumb things. I'm trying to change my habit. I don't know when it started but my brother on the other hand loves to save. Every time we go out he would pull out money when i think he doesn't have any. I"m going to leave you with these songs i was listening to while I was writing this blog. Enjoy your day where ever you are!
                                                     XOXO Kira

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