
UPDATE! Blogger Freebies!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hey guys! It Tuesday already. If you do not know every now and then I will try and look for blogger freebies for you guys! I love doing this. I love helping people make you blog look great! I also make updates to my blog as well. I also create buttons as well. I love making buttons and pictures you can put in your blog post. Click the link below to go to my Blogger Freebie page.

This website is called inkstruck. Their site looks gorgeous. They have a free printable To-Do list and many more to help make your blog sparkle. It's the best page is the last one. ( Page 3) She also has free headers but you do have to subscribe to her and she will email it to you in her newsletter. 
If you are horrible at creating blog headers like me, go to Clementine creative's website. She shows you have to style you header and she also give you free headers that are cute!! Scroll all the way to the bottom and it says download here and you can customize you header on picmonkey or Photoshop. How easy is that! 
Another free headers for you is made but Miss Mandee. Her headers are so pretty. I might use on of them to make my header. She usually post freebies in her blog posts. So you have to subscribe and stay tuned  to get more freebies. 
He is another website where you can download some beautiful social icons. If you do not know how to put them in you blog they will show you how with a few easy steps. 
This Blog has her own freebie page. It's called My Candy Magz. They have all sorts of free things for your blog. They even have blog Templates for you!  
Tiny Shop has many cool and free blog fonts. Scroll to the bottom to find the site and download them for free!
The Website is called Beautiful Dawn Designs. She has inspiring fonts for your blog. Scroll to the bottom and click free download. He website is gorgeous. She also have a Freebies page above but you have to subscribe. she gives away a free blog template. I will link both below.
I hope this helps you to make your blog sparkle for free. Don't for get to check out my freebie page. I will be posting more websites and social icons to my page. Stay tuned and Don't forget to subscribe for more  freebie updates. I hope you you have a wonderful rest of the week! 
Stay Beautiful, Stay Stress free!

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