Hello there! I missed you!

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Hey Guys! I missed writing blogs. Christmas just passed. I have been busy. I lot of things changed ever since the last time I wrote on my blog. I just posted my new Fashion  blog post on how to dress a skinny & short person. I'm going to continue more information on the topic later. I am going to try to do one every week or two. It took me a couple days to do the post. I did some research. I actually when to wet Seal and forever twenty -one. I asked them how would you dress a skinny & shot person.
The next one is going to about how to dress curvy figures. I'm going to have to do a lot of research. I cant relate to information. I have to ask my friend Jhazmin. She is bigger then me and she has a lot of problems finding clothes that fit. This year she had a lot of experience with being curvy. I think I will have the next one by January 31st. It's really hard to come up with new topics for the Fashion part of my blog. I can;'t wait to test new makeup for the beauty section. I have a few hauls coming as well. So hold on tight. New things are coming soon. I try my hardest to try and come out with new material. Winter just hit here in Florida. It's constantly in the 30's and 40's. Today I wore 4 jackets. I am not used to this cold weather.
I have new buttons on the Blogger Freebies section. They are awesome. I'm slowly getting better at things. Ugh... I wish I didn't have to go to work. Well I hope you have a great rest of the week.

Song of the Day:

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