To Be or Not to be Honest & Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
I hope all is well. I'm Sorry or the long break but I am back! Let say I hit a wall called writer's block but I never came back. Life happens sometimes. My job kept me busy, I recently just moved locations so I had to get situated with all that and now I have more free time. I felt like my content was a little dry or is it my personality? I don't know but I want to change a few things. I want to be more honest and real or relatable. Yes, I'm going, to be honest, it's hard to keep up when I have a lot of things on my plate. I not here to complain. I really do enjoy blogging and it takes a lot of time, effort and creativity. I do want to have an impact on this world and actually provide information. I want my Blog to depict my personality and take on certain topics and events.
What New for My Cute Thoughts?
So you want to know what's new with MCT? New year new blog posts! I am currently in the process of writing a few blog posts you're going to love. I took note or looked my stats to see what everyone like to read. Most likely if about fashion, Makeup and Hair. I'm going post more about curly hair because DUH... I have curly hair. The Next post is called " 5 affordable outfits for the Fall & Winter" and of course my new years resolution. I definitely going to compare last year's resolutions to my new one and see if I achieved something. That's just a sneak peek for what's to come for the new year! I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas with they're friends and Family! Don't forget to read my updates. I just posted on about my new Slime shop. Show some love and stop by and check my website out. You can find my shop on the menu bar or navigation bar.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope your New Year filled with joy, peace, and Love.
Much Love