New Goals for the New Year! 2019
Saturday, January 05, 2019
The job I have now teaches me a lot of things, especially about patience. I learned a lot about how to treat myself and others through kindness. I thank God every day for blessing me with a job working with children. You get to develop personal relationships with children and see how they treat others. Another goal I have for this year is the find another job where I can expand my knowledge and gain more skills to further my career. Eventually, in the future, I would want to open up my own boutique. Before I want to have my own physical store, I would want to have a boutique online. Right now this year I want to start planning to make things happen.
My personal goal is that I want to care for others more and spread more love and kindness. I want to become more focus and more driven on completing tasks and goals for the future. I have trouble finishing tasks sometimes. Another I want to continue my hobbies or start a new one. I love to try and experience new things this year. Some f the hobbies I have s sewing, jewelry making, and diy'ing. I'm very creative and I love to hands-on with different projects. Education is important also. I want to take a course on business, fashion design and I also want to take cooking classes. For a while now I wanted to be a better cook, during my free time I will sign up for cooking.
Being healthy is the most important goal to have for this year. while most people want to lose weight this year, I want to gain weight. I am on the small side but I'm not skin and bones because of the health-related issues. When I was 14 I had a tumor in my pituitary gland and later had it removed. Now I'm making sure I have my hormones regulated properly; which is a task of its own. I want to exercise more. I don't necessarily need to go to a gym. I find running relaxing and it frees the mind. I put on some good music to get my heart pumping. I haven't done that lately because of work lack of motivation and lack of energy. I'm being completely honest Most people start their New Year's resolution and never stick to it. This is the reason why I set monthly goals for myself and take small steps to achieve success.
Your Spiritual life is the utmost importance; in my opinion. One of my spiritual goals is to have a deeper relationship with God. I want to spend more time in his word. It is often hard for me to take the time out and get in his word. So I'm taking small steps to read the word. I have the bible app on my phone and you can set the time when you want to get your daily scripture. As Christians we are should strive to be Christ-like. I know I'm not perfect but our ultimate goal is to become like Jesus. Just simply showing God's love and kindness to others are good steps.
Another goal for this year is to inspire others. I'm not the best at speaking and trying to uplift someone when they are down; so I use different outlets to get the message out. Sometimes I use quotes on my facebook page and this blog. I post the scripture and quotes of the day. I feel like this year is going to be different in a good way. I am going to stay optimistic about what's to come this year. I am going to leave you this quote that I like and hopefully, it gets you motivated and optimistic about the future.
I hope everyone has a properous and Joyful start to the New Year! I hope your life is full of wonderful memories and blessings!