Stressful Days. It's Just the Beginning!!


Hey guys! You are amazing. Thank you for visiting! I just recently have a lot of people visit. I just updated my blog. I try to do it every month. I am slowly getting better at this blogger thing. The only problem I have is  that everything is not straight and lined up. Mainly on the right side. My buttons a little big. I don;t know if I need to change the layout.

So if you happen to come on my blog and t is looking kind a messed up. I'm Updating my blog. Every day of this month its going to be different; For example I changed the font on everything. I didn't want to add a lot of purple. As you can tell I love the color purple. I also have a new signature and I am going to update the logo. Yeah. A lot of of things are going to change. If you look on the blog list; I have more people to follow. I have blog that has blog advice and tips. So go check that out. He website is called Code It Pretty.

It's that Time of the Year: Eww....

It's February! Yeah! (Being Sarcastic) It's the shortest month of all the other months. On the 14th is Valentines Day. Where people rush out to buy there loved one's a gift. From Pre-school to High School people give out carnations with a note tied on the bottom. We also gave out Valentine's Day cards with candy. We would bake cupcakes and cookies I love this holiday  when I was in school. Once I have gotten to middle and High School; We would give and receive cards but it was rare. People started giving gift to boyfriends and friends. I never received anything . I never received no carnation until my senior year and It was to myself. LOL  I had got tired of not getting anything. Throughout the years I hated Valentines day. I feel like you shouldn't treat your loved ones special on only one day. You should do it every single day. People notice the little things you do for them. That's my take on Valentine's Day. It's also Black History Month. I remember in church we would celebrate buy reciting lines from black inventors or famous people and what they accomplished. It was fun. We would eat a Africa sized cake with " Happy Black History Month" on it. 

Off To A Bad Start?

Well At least Monday is in the past. Would you say I can adjust to change well. I would say yes. Going to work as usual. Well let's start back to Monday at 2 pm. My supervisor asked me to come in early. She says that she looked at my time and I need to try to come on time. I'm always late because of a train right beside the school. It comes on time at 7 am. I usually come at 7:03. My co-worker usually reminds me to clock in. So my co-worker's worker is getting her car fixed and has to driver her husband to work until the car is fixed. I said OK and go on with my business. Tuesday morning comes along and head to work. No train. Yes!! Thank God! I come early and she clocks out and leave. No Problem. Make breakfast for the kids. One parent comes in and drops the kid off. HE WOULD NOT LEAVE!! he was there for at least ten minutes. He kept looking around and he looked at me. Looking at me and others to see if he can see an adult work there. Another co-worker usually comes in and she came in late. He states, " Finally there is an adult! Hi miss Laura." He complained to her that nobody was watching the kids. She points at me and say there is an adult right there. He says where I don't see one. She told me to raise my hand and I did. He says," That's not a adult!" I was mad but I got over it. I get that a lot. I look at least 13 or 14 with my hair up. He finally walks out. It was time to line up. Miss Laura leaves with out telling me. I was about to take the kids to class and I found out the gate was locked. There are two schools. The old one and the new one. the old one is where before  and after school meet. There is a gate between those two schools. So everyday I have to take them. So I took them out the door and one of the kids knock of the thing to hold the door. So we were locked out. No Problem. I went to the gate; it was locked. GREAT! I was mad. They didn't give a key. People just up and left without giving me a key. So I asked the two oldest students to make the office aware of the situation. So time went by and one of the student saw and got miss Laura attention. She unlocked the gate the the students ran to they're inside area. They said thank you  to miss Laura and went to class. Meanwhile one of the kids broke a window. What a day!! It hasn't  even ended yet.
The top gif quote is for this paragraph. I was really stressing over the fact that I could have gotten in trouble. I just got home and now I'm blogging and relaxing. Here is a photo that makes you feel that everything is ok.

Quote Of the Day:

Something I found of Google when I was looking for Gifs. It's Puss in boots and his minions! So cute!

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